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Displays data in a treelike expanding table, on a 24hour Gantt chart. G/01/software/detail-page/B0001XNGZ2-1.gif' alt='Astronomy Logbook Software' title='Astronomy Logbook Software' />Beginners guide to ham radio. A basic CW operating manual. Compiled by Dan Stegner KC0. OBU from FISTS CW Club member tips, amateur radio morse code procedures. Hits 2. 63. 9 Votes 4 Rating 5. A Beginners Guide to Making CW Contacts. Astronomy Logbook Software' title='Astronomy Logbook Software' />Jack Wagoner WB8. FSV, a very well done article on how start a CW QSO, how to answer a CQ, how call your CQ and more. A must reading for beginners. Hits 5. 84. 4 Votes 1. Rating 8. 7. 5 A beginners guide to RTTY contests. A pdf file with review of RTTY contests software available on the net and information on how to operate a RTTY Contest, by RSGB. Hits 1. 98. 9 Votes 1 Rating 1. A Guide to Test Equipment. That just about sums up many peoples attitude towards test equipment. Multimeter, SWRPower Meter, Dip Oscillator, RF Signal Generator, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. Hits 1. 98. 6 Votes 0 Rating 0. A Simple Telegraph Key. How To Build Code Practice Apparatus A Simple Telegraph Key. Hits 9. 26. 2 Votes 1. Rating 6. 3. 0 ABC Dx Fundamentals of the Art of DXing. Fundamentals of the Art of DXing, an interactive tutorial, contains animated graphics audio by Don Boudreau, W5. FKX. Hits 1. 20. Votes 4 Rating 1. About digital modes. The digital modes provide a wonderful opportunity for those of us who would like to work on the HF bands but find CW too difficult and SSB phone prohibitive because of interference problems. The digital modes are easy to set up and get operating, require low power and a narrow band. Hits 7. 20. 2 Votes 6 Rating 8. Amateur Radio Frequencies. List compiled by N4. LCD with description of main frequency usage. Hits 5. 57 Votes 0 Rating 0. An Introduction to Datamodes. ARAC guide to datamodes. Hits 2. 88 Votes 0 Rating 0. Antenna Selection Made Easy. This page will help you answer important questions about antenna selection before you talk to a supplier. After reading this paper, you should be able to better determine the most important parameters you need to know for your antenna selection criteria. Hits 1. 89. 0 Votes 2 Rating 3. Become a Amateur. What is Ham RadioNot just speech, Listening in, Meet your local amateurs, What does it all cost Licensing informations. Hits 8. 93 Votes 2 Rating 5. Beginners guide to CW QSO. Procedure on how to conduct a CW QSO. Hits 1. 76. 3 Votes 2 Rating 4. Beginners Guide to Ham Radio. What is Amateur Radio Things you can to do with amateur radio. Hits 2. 67. 40 Votes 2. Rating 5. 2. 1 Best band to start on with QRP. The following are the opinions expressed by various amateurs. Hits 2. 35. 2 Votes 2 Rating 7. Contest University. After a year of preparation, 1. Contesting instruction covering some 2. Hits 4. 78 Votes 0 Rating 0. Definition of frequency bands. Definition of radio frequency bands, hf vhf uhf etc. Hits 1. 13. 2 Votes 1 Rating 9. DX Code of Conduct. Improve ethical conduct. Call Recording Software For Samsung Chat 322 For Sale. Unpleasant, uncivil, impolite behavior of our fellow hams reduces the enjoyment of our hobby. What You Can Do to Improve DXEtiquette. Hits 8. 04 Votes 0 Rating 0. DX Is. Definition of DX according to w. Hits 6. 21 Votes 1 Rating 1. Electronic Construction Tutorial. Everything you wanted to know about building stuff but were afraid to ask. This series was originally published in 7. Amateur Radio between November 1. February 1. 99. 8. Hits 1. 79. 7 Votes 4 Rating 5. Getting started in Digital Communications. A starting point for the ever increasing number of people wanting to get into amateur radio digital modes of communication by N8. ST. Hits 2. 86 Votes 1 Rating 1. Getting started in RTTY with MMTTY. A tutorial on how to get started operating RTTY using MMTTY as the primary program to begin your RTTY. Hits 1. 68. 0 Votes 4 Rating 7. Getting Started on RTTY. A complete guide to start using MMTTY to start trasmitting in RTTY. This is a basic but complete RTTY guide for those who want to quickly start RTTY communications. Hits 5. 00 Votes 1 Rating 1. Getting Started on the Amateur Radio Satellites. Working Your First Amateur Radio Satellite Its Easier Than You Think. Hits 4. 85 Votes 1 Rating 8. Getting Started with Sound Card Digital Modes. Setting your Amateur radio station up to operate the wide range of. PC sound card to generate and receive signals. Murray Greenman ZL1. BPU. Hits 8. 98 Votes 0 Rating 0. Getting Started with the FM Satellites. If you can program split frequency memories in your dual band radio, or your dual band radio has two VFOs, you can work an FM satellite. Hits 6. 16 Votes 1 Rating 1. Good Operating Practices. Amateur radio good operating practices by KG9. OM. Hits 8. 74 Votes 0 Rating 0. Guide to Ham radio. Beginners guide to Ham Radio. Build your own radio station at home and talk to freiend all over the world. Find lot more at www. Hits 1. 24. 9 Votes 0 Rating 0. Ham Radio communications can be fun Ham radio activities, from satellite operations, eme communications, dxing and contesting, qsling and direction findings, are just some of ham radio exciting activities. Hits 5. 57 Votes 0 Rating 0. Ham Radio Conversation Guide. Amateur radio multi language QSO with translation in several languages. How to conduct a QSO in a foreign language including english. Hits 7. 06 Votes 3 Rating 4. Ham radio for the novice. A site exclusively meant for the novice. Find all the information necessary to become an amateur radio operator More India specific information. Hits 2. 16. 3 Votes 2 Rating 4. Ham Radio Guide to DMR. Amateur Radio Guide to Digital Mobile Radio by W2. XAB. Hits 5. 12 Votes 4 Rating 4. Ham Radio Help Group. Dedicated to those who are interested in getting started in amateur radio or upgrading to a higher class license. Hits 1. 03. 6 Votes 2 Rating 8. Ham Radio Terms. This glossary contains general definitions of typical amateur radio terms. Hits 6. 31 Votes 2 Rating 9. HF Antennas for Beginners 3. Meters and Below. An interesting article for beginners that guide new hams to find what kind of antenna to install, evaluating wire aerials, commercial verticals and how to setup antennas in restricted lots. Hits 4. 88 Votes 0 Rating 0. HF Digital Communications. HF Digital Communications for beginners Psk 3. RTTY, SSTV. Hits 3. Votes 0 Rating 0. How access DX Clusters via internet. The purpose of this page is to show you how you can access a DX Cluster via the Internet. There are many software applications available, some are free some are not. Excellent page from OZ2. M. Hits 2. 13. Votes 3 Rating 6. How Far Can I Talk With My RadioIn order to determine total distance that a transmission may be received by two elevated antennas, we must add together the radio horizon distance of both antennas. Auto Parts Prestashop Theme. Hits 2. 66 Votes 0 Rating 0. How Radio Works. Excellent slides explaining radio and radiowaves generation basics. Hits 1. 60. 5 Votes 4 Rating 9. How to become an amateur radio. How to become an amateur radio ON4. SKY. Review of general conditions to get licensed, examinations, regulation, CW, foreign calls, and more. Hits 5. 34 Votes 0 Rating 0. How To Get An Amateur Radio License. Provides complete information about how to get a technician level ham radio license. Hits 1. 42. 51 Votes 1. Rating 6. 5. 5 How to make a Morse Code QSO. This step by step tutorial contains everything you need, not only to survive that first contact, but also to learn to enjoy Code and actually do it well.