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For those of you who want to root your Samsung Galaxy S4 Android smartphone, heres how to do it easily using MotoChopper, a root script used on Motorola. Book Title. Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference. Chapter Title. cable bundle through clock mode. PDF Complete Book 18. Cisco IOS Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference cable bundle through clock mode Support To assign and. Ether. Channel interface to an Ether. Channel group, use the. To remove the channel group. Cisco 2. 60. 0 Series, Cisco 3. Series, and Cisco 3. Series Routerschannel groupchannel group numbermodeonnochannel groupchannel group number. Cisco ASR 1. 00. 0 Series Routers. Cisco Catalyst. Switcheschannel groupchannel group numbermode. Syntax Descriptionchannel group number Integer. Valid values are from 1 to 2. Fast Ether. Channel groups, the number is an integer from 1 to 4. This number is. the one previously assigned to the port channel interface. Cisco ASR 1. 00. 0 series router, valid values are from 1 to 6. Specifies. the Ether. Channel mode of the interface. Enables. Link Aggregation Control Protocol LACP unconditionally. Enables. Ether. Channel only. Places. a port into a passive negotiating state in which the port responds to Port. Aggregation Protocol PAg. P packets that it receives but does not initiate PAg. P. packet negotiation. Optional Used with the. Places. a port into an active negotiating state in which the port initiates. PAg. P packets. passive Enables. LACP only when an LACP device is detected. Command Default No channel groups. Command Modes Interface. Command History Release. Modification. command was introduced. XE. for this command was implemented on Cisco Catalyst 6. E3. number of valid values for the. Usage. Guidelines section for valid values. XT. command was implemented on the Cisco 2. Cisco 3. 60. 0 series, and Cisco. T. for this command was implemented on the Cisco 2. Cisco 3. 60. 0. series, and the Cisco 3. Cisco IOS Release. T. 1. 2. 21. 4SX. Supervisor Engine 7. SXB. for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was integrated into Cisco IOS. Release 1. 2. 21. SXB. 1. 2. 21. 8SXE. Qin. Q translation on Qin. Q link bundles. using GE WAN interfaces on an OSM 24. GE WAN OSM on Cisco 7. SRA. command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 1. SRA. 1. 2. 23. 1SB2. Cisco IOS Release 1. SB2. 1. 2. 23. 3SRB. Cisco 7. 60. 0 router was integrated into Cisco IOS Release. SRB. IOS XE Release 2. Cisco IOS XE Release 2. Usage Guidelines OSMs are not. Cisco 7. 60. 0 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor. Engine 3. 2. IP Address for. Physical Interface You do not have. IP address that is assigned to a physical interface that is part. Cisco highly recommends doing so. Layer 3 Port Channels You can create. Layer 2 and Layer 3 port channels by entering the. The port channels are not created at run time, nor are they created. You do not have. to create a port channel interface before assigning a physical interface to a. A port channel interface is automatically created when the. Propagation of. Configuration and Attribute Changes Any configuration. Keyword When you use the. Ether. Channel exists only when a port group in on mode is connected to. Series, Cisco 3. 60. Series, and Cisco 3. Series Routers You do not have. A port channel interface is created automatically when the. Cisco ASR 1. 00. 0. Series Routers The Cisco ASR. IP addresses. must be disabled on member links before those links can be included in a. Fast Ethernet. interfaces are not supported. Cisco Catalyst. Switches The number of. For software releases prior to Cisco IOS Release. E3, valid values are from 1 to 2. Cisco IOS Release 1. E3. 1. 2. 13aE4, and 1. E1, valid values are from 1 to 6. Cisco IOS Release. E and later releases support a maximum of 6. The channel group. If a. specific channel number is used for the PAg. P enabled interfaces of a channel. LACP enabled interfaces or vice versa. Entering the. keyword enables PAg. P on the specified interface the command will be rejected. LACP enabled interface. PAg. P disabled interfaces only. You can change. the mode for an interface only if it is the only interface that is designated. You can manually. PAg. P on one side and LACP on the other side in the. Ether. Channel exists only when a port group in. If you enter the. If the interface. All ports in the. PAg. P and LACP are. You can change. the protocol at any time, but this change causes all existing Ether. Channels to. reset to the default channel mode for the new protocol. Configure all. ports in an Ether. Channel to operate at the same speed and duplex mode full. LACP mode. All ports in a. DFC equipped module. You cannot configure any of. On systems that. are configured with nonfabric enabled modules and fabric enabled modules, you. DFC equipped module port. You do not have. to create a port channel interface before assigning a physical interface to a. A port channel interface is created automatically when the. You do not have. to disable the IP address that is assigned to a physical interface that is part. You can create. both Layer 2 and Layer 3 port channels by entering the. The port channels are not created. Any configuration. When configuring. Layer 2 Ether. Channels, you cannot put Layer 2 LAN ports into manually created. GE WAN ports on the OSM 24. GE WAN OSM. to create Qin. Q link bundles for advanced Qin. Q translation. Also, you cannot use. GE WAN interfaces if MPLS is configured. You must remove all IP. MPLS, and other Layer 3 configuration commands before using the. GE WAN interfaces. Note The GE WAN. OSM 24. GE WAN OSM behave slightly differently than other. To move. most other interfaces, you can enter the. For GE WAN ports, however, you must manually remove the interface from. Caution Do not enable. Layer 3 addresses on the physical Ether. Channel interfaces. Assigning bridge. Ether. Channel interfaces causes loops in your network. For a complete. list of guidelines, see the Configuring Ether. Channel section of the. Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide. Ether. Channel Before you assign. Fast Ethernet interface to a Fast Ether. Channel group, you must first create a. To create a port channel interface, use the. Ethernet interface has an IP address assigned, you must disable it before. Fast Ethernet interface to the Fast Ether. Channel. To disable an. IP address on the Fast Ethernet interface, use the. Ether. Channel feature allows multiple Fast Ethernet point to point links to be. Mbps. Fast Ether. Channel can be configured between Cisco 7. Cisco 7. 00. 0 series routers with the 7. Series Route Switch Processor RSP7. Series Chassis Interface RSP7. CI or between a Cisco 7. Cisco 7. 00. 0 series router with the RSP7. RSP7. 00. CI and a Cisco. Catalyst 5. 00. 0 switch. A maximum of four. Fast Ethernet interfaces can be added to a Fast Ether. Channel group. port channel interface is the routed interface. Do not enable Layer 3 addresses. Fast Ethernet interfaces. Do not assign bridge groups on the. Fast Ethernet interfaces because it creates loops. Also, you must. disable spanning tree. Mime Video Player. To display. information about the Fast Ether. Channel, use the. EXEC command. guidelines see the Configuring Ether. Channel section of the. Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide and the Configuring. Ether. Channel section of the. Catalyst 6. 50. 0. Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide. Related Commands Command. Description. interface Creates. CLI in interface configuration. Sets a. primary or secondary IP address on an interface. Displays the Ether. Channel information for a channel. Displays traffic that is seen by a specific port channel.